March 26, 2013

Warm beets with horseradish and dill sour cream

Serving plate of warm golden and red beets.

Sometimes I feel like I don't post enough side dishes, with the most probably being around holidays. 

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I'm trying to make more vegetable side dishes so we rely less on grains and I also just like to make them more interesting in the hopes that people will be encouraged to give some more vegetables a try. I found some really pretty golden beets the other day with their greens in good shape and found two red ones kicking around in the fridge and decided to use them to make a warm salad. 

I really enjoy golden beets - they are so much sweeter than red beets and they were definitely the star of this dish. Paired with their sauteed greens and topped simply with the sour cream, horseradish, and fresh dill - these beets were tasty and perfect to go along side a grilled skirt steak for dinner. If you don't have the greens, that's OK, too. 

They aren't necessary, but if you have them, you definitely don't want to waste them. Beet greens are slightly spicy and different from the taste of the root. I highly recommend giving them a try if you haven't already.

Serving plate of warm beets with horseradish and dill sour cream.

Warm beets with horseradish and dill sour cream
about 1-1/2 lbs. beet roots
about 2-3 cups roughly chopped beet greens
pat of butter
sea salt and fresh cracked black pepper, to taste
3 tablespoons sour cream
2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
1-1/2 teaspoons fresh minced dill

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Cut the beet roots from their greens and wash well. Wrap the roots in parchment paper and then foil. Place in the oven and bake until you can pierce them with a fork, about 1 hour.

Stir the sour cream, horseradish, 1 teaspoon of dill, and a pinch of salt in a small bowl. Taste and adjust if needed. Refrigerate until serving.

When the beets are soft, let them cool until you can handle them. Cut off the ends and peel the skin (it should slip off pretty easily using your fingers). Cut into quarters.

Sautee the beet greens in a skillet with a pat of butter until soft.

Arrange the beet greens and roots on a plate. Top with a little salt and fresh cracked black pepper and the remaining 1/2 teaspoon of dill. Drizzle with the sour cream sauce, or serve it on the side.

Warm beets topped with horseradish and dill sour cream.


  1. Oh yum! I love love love beets but never think to pair them with dill, and dill is my favorite.

  2. Great idea to combine beets with dill sauce!
    Full of vitamins,seasonal and ,best of all,it looks delicious :)

  3. Great combo! I love both beets and dill

  4. What a beautiful salad! I love the flavor combo with the dill.

  5. Such an amazing mix of flavours and textures. You nailed it! I need to eat more salads..

  6. this looks great a creative veg dish

  7. I have never seen warm beets before... this vegetable looks so good!

  8. Hi Amy, interesting and delicious recipes but I have not try beet root. Thanks for sharing. Best regards.

  9. I feel the same way - that I don't spotlight side dishes as often as I would like to. This has to change soon! Side dishes are usually veggies for me...they deserve the spotlight as much as proteins or main dishes.

    I've never tried beets with herbed sour cream. Sounds terrific to me. Will try this soon!

  10. Okay, these sound out of this world! Love the horseradish cream with them!

  11. I rarely post side dishes also...because I rarely make them! these look too tasty NOT to make though!

  12. Amy,
    I just bet the sour cream takes these beets over the top. It's probably delicious on the steak, too (I love horseradish on prime rib).

  13. Beets are one of my all-time favorites, so I'm loving this side dish! A sour cream with herbs sounds like the ideal complement too - great idea! :)


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